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Matt Owens, CWI, MSIwith Matt Owens
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Time-Tested Course:
I've been running this course since 2017 and have helped many people prepare for the CWI exam.
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Personal Coaching:
Every page on the course has a chat button. Simply click it if you have any questions. I'll reply within 48 hours. Learn more.
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Flashcard Review System:
The system creates flashcards from missed quiz and practice test questions, then schedules reviews to help you master the difficult concepts.

AWS Training Log

CWI Full80 Hours
CWI-A30 Hours
CWI-B25 Hours
CWI-C25 Hours

Personal Coaching

Matt Owens, CWI Instructor
Matt Owens, CWI, MSI
CWI Instructor & Technical Expert

Hello, I'm Matt. I spent countless hours creating this test prep course. I took the CWI exam in 2010 and passed it on my first try.

I'll be your personal coach so you won't be alone in your studies. Scroll down below to see actual coaching conversations where I answered questions to help students understand the material.

note b max qualified base metal is 1.1. how are you getting 2 inches
The question is: "What is the maximum qualified base metal thickness for a WPS if the test weldment base metal thickness is 1 inch and the specimen was welded with GMAW-S?"
Answer 1: 2 inches Answer 2: 1.33 inches Answer 3: 1 inch Answer 4: 3 inches Answer 5: Unlimited
The correct answer is: Answer 1.
My answer was: Answer 3.
Matt Owens
Hi, Luther. Remember though that note b only applies when the base metal thickness is 1/2" or less. For more than that, we follow Table 7, which says 2T. 2 x 1 inch (base metal thickness) is 2 inches qualified. ๐Ÿ‘
I don't understand this question on the practice exam: "The line of a weld symbol that is perpendicular to the reference line is always drawn:" Would you please explain what that means?
Matt Owens
Hey, Sam. If you look at a fillet weld or groove weld symbol, then you'll notice that the vertical line is on the left side of the symbol rather then the right.
I think I understand what you're saying. So they have vertical line, is he referring to the line within the weld symbol? For example the welding symbol for the bevel and J weld has a vertical line within the weld symbol. Am I following you?
Matt Owens
Yep, that's exactly it.
Thank you sir.

Full Course Includes

6 Month Course Access
6 Month Course Access
Visual Online Curriculum
Visual Online Curriculum
Flashcard Review System
Flashcard Review System
Personal Coaching Passing Guarantee
Quizzes and Tests
Targeted Quizzes & Practice Tests
Audio Instruction
Insightful Audio Instruction
Photos, Graphics, and Illustrations
Photos, Graphics, & Illustrations

Pricing Options

Course Icons

CWI Full Training

$1,197 $987

Includes CWI Parts A, B & C

6 months access

Course Details
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Plastic Weld Replicas & 10-pc Inspection tools

for Part B

Sold Separately

$200 refundable

SI Certsโ€™ Plastic Weld Replicas and 10-piece Inspection Tools can be returned for a total refund of $200. Molds must not be damaged in any way, and all tools, including sleeves and the main case, must be returned, undamaged, in order to be eligible for a refund.

The Plastic Weld Replica set or the 10-piece Inspection Tools can be returned separately. Each one separately would be eligible for a $100 refund if returned in full, undamaged. Refunds are credited back to the card that was used to purchase the material through the website. Allow up to 10 days for refund from the day we receive returned materials and inspect. Return shipping costs are to be paid by the user.

Course Icons

CWI Part A

$449 $339

Master the CWI Fundamentals of Welding

3 months access

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CWI Part B

Updated to address new Part B exam questions!
$449 $339

Hands on Training with Plastic Weld Replicas, 10 pc Inspection Tools, AWS Book of Specs

3 months access

Course Details
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Plastic Weld Replicas & 10-pc Inspection tools

Sold Separately

$200 refundable

SI Certsโ€™ Plastic Weld Replicas and 10-piece Inspection Tools can be returned for a total refund of $200. Molds must not be damaged in any way, and all tools, including sleeves and the main case, must be returned, undamaged, in order to be eligible for a refund.

The Plastic Weld Replica set or the 10-piece Inspection Tools can be returned separately. Each one separately would be eligible for a $100 refund if returned in full, undamaged. Refunds are credited back to the card that was used to purchase the material through the website. Allow up to 10 days for refund from the day we receive returned materials and inspect. Return shipping costs are to be paid by the user.

Course Icons

CWI Part C

$449 $339

Code Mastery: an in depth teaching of either AWS D1.1 or API 1104

3 months access

Course Details
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User Reviews

Scored Average of 83%

Good day everyone at SI Certs. Just wanted to let you know I took your CWI course and passed my CWI exam with a 83% on my first attempt. You did a great job at explaining everything and I feel like I studied far more in depth than what was required but that is what it takes to make it easier to pass the exam then. Thank you for all you do at putting the course together. Hoping to take the ICC course some time too.

Merle B.

Chicago, IL

Passed All 3 Parts First Try

Well I killed it today!!!! Thank you! I felt confident going in. It was still a very tough test, the questions were all over the place. I had to use the index like 3 times which surprised me because I know how to navigate the D1.1. But I am content with that outcome. Part B is what I was worried about. I didn't get to finish all the practice tests because I was at a week long course at Lincoln for it that work had sent me to and I had to test that week. That test was mind blowing; but knowing the BOS beforehand from using your courses had helped tremendously... And just got the update, passed first time!! Just waiting on my letter!!

Lori H.

Ridgeley, WV

Check Out These Scores!

Hey all I am proud to announce I have passed all of my CWI exams! Cumulative score of 87%! Part A 82%, part B 84%, and part C 96%!

Jonathan U.

Windsor, CO

Thank you guys

I wanted to thank you guys at SI Certs, I Passed my CWI and am now certified. Your courses were very effective and high quality. I would recommend your courses to anyone else I know and will be back myself for your MSI courses.

Byron T.


Passed w/ 85% Average

I just got my results from the CWI exam yesterday. I passed on the first try! I got an 85% average. Your course was excellent. I felt very prepared going in to the test. Thank You!!!

Todd M.

Springfield, IL

Almost Seemed Too Easy

Iโ€™ve got great news I passed my part B exam with an 86%. Thank you for helping me pass, you guys have a good program it helped me a ton with my confidence. I was the second one in the group to finish compared to the last one to finish the first time I around. It almost seemed too easy, I walked out knowing I passed it!

Dennis M.

Los Angeles, CA

This course was on par with how the actual exams would be.

SI Certs was a tremendous benefit to me in studying for and acquiring my CWI. Having access to the material that they provide for 6 months certainly helped me understand how questions would be asked on the actual CWI exams. This course was on par with how the actual exams would be. With the help of their courses, I was able to pass all three of my exams on the first try. They are also great folks to work with. They have been very kind to a coworker of mine with helping to "pause" his 6 month timeline of access to the course when his life became very busy, and they allowed him to "restart" where he left off with the remainder of his 6 month access. That in itself showed that this company is comprised of great people.

Ethan W.

Wendell, NC

My scores were awesome

Aaron P.

Gabe -

First I wanted to share that I passed my CWI exam with flying colors. My scores were awesome... Part A - 92%, Part B - 87%, Part C - 98% for a composite score of 92%!!

I also took part in the AWS week long seminar and I can honestly say that without SI Certs prior to that seminar I would have been lost. I was heads above others in the seminar because of what I learned through your platform. I had a very solid understanding of the intricacies of the test, the format of the code book, the necessary inspection tools and the replicas. It really made the seminar more of a review for me while reinforcing what I already learned through SI Certs. All in all, I was very pleased with your program and give credit to SI Certs for my success with the CWI exam.

Thanks again for everything.

Aaron P.

Waunakee, WI

I would've failed had I not taken SI Certs' course

Just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to you all at SI Certs for helping me pass my CWI exam on the first try!!

I did also waste a lot of money by taking the AWS seminar along with SI Certs. And I can say without a doubt that I would've failed had I not taken SI Certs' course. AWS should take notes from the SI Certs curriculum.

This is my third certification through SI Certs and I have gotten three others to use this program. Thanks again!

Shea G.

Chicago, IL

Seriously, the best customer service I have EVER experienced

Take the courses!

If you're someone who can study on their own but would like some structure, any SI Certs course is for you. I have purchased all 3 CWI courses and the reinforced concrete course from SI Certs and have passed both the CWI and reinforced concrete exams the first time around. I plan to take another course with SI Certs (PT or masonry) because of the success rate.

P.S. Shout out to Gabe and the SI Certs team. Seriously, the best customer service I have EVER experienced.

Alonzo M.

San Jose, CA

I was really impressed

The CWI Exam is tough, but the toughest part for me was the Part B. I attended other training prior to taking the exam and while I achieved a passing score on Part A & C I only scored a 70% on the Part B...I was desperate to pass my Part B on the second attempt but with such a busy schedule my options were very limited. I was really impressed by SI Certs offering online training in conjunction to the Welding Replicas and Toolkit for hands on practice. With my second attempt my score climbed to a 89% and I owe it all to the time I spent practicing with SI Certs' material!

Darrell F.

West Memphis, AR

Passed My CWI on the First Try

Guys, I can't thank you enough for your CWI training course. I signed up for the course to become a CWI after being in the Machining trade for 15 years. I had limited training in welding and weld practices, and your course made it very easy to study and get up to speed.

Your course was truly what I needed. You provide all the necessary topics and tricks needed to become a CWI. I took the test and I passed on my first time through using the techniques and information provided in your course. I can't thank you enough for making a great course.

Ricky N.

Oakfield, NY

Average score 88%


Just want to tell you that today I have gotten my scores:

Part A: 93%
Part B: 80%
Part C: 92%
Average score 88%.

I really appreciate your help through this time and believe without your course this wouldn't be possible. Thanks a lot!

Jose P.

Tampico, Mexico

Yours was the closest thing to the actual part B exam

Hello. I just wanted to say thanks for all of your help. I passed my CWI part B retake with 85%. I believe that of the several online courses that I've taken, yours was the closest thing to the actual part B exam. I would recommend your course to anyone who wants to get their CWI. I will be taking some ICC courses soon and I'll be purchasing them from you.

David B.

United States

Average Score 92%

Hello Chris!

I want to share with you that I passed the CWI exam. My scores were:

CWI-Part A 95%
CWI-Part B 85%
CWI-Part C 95%
Average Score 92%

Thank you so much for helping me!

Anibal F.

What Is SI Certs and How Can It Train Me for CWI?
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How to Become a CWI
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RoadmapCWI Roadmap

Where are you on this roadmap toward your CWI certification? What are the next steps?

We have the answers here.

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Training Comparison

Course Summary

Course Summary
  • Online TrainingFull CWI Training - 80 hrs
  • Access Time6 months
  • AccessibilityAnytime, Anywhere (not instructor-dependent)
  • PlatformVisual Online Curriculum
  • CoachingChat Messaging
  • AssessmentsQuizzes throughout and timed practice tests
  • Part AMaster the Fundamentals of Welding
  • Part BPractical Application Using Plastic Weld Replicas and 10-pc inspection tools
  • Part CMaster the AWS D1.1 or the API 1104

SI Certs covers the pertinent information found in both the AWS online pre-seminar and the week-long classroom-based seminar.

SI Certs VS. Classroom Seminar

SIC vs Classroom

Until now, we've prepared for the CWI test by attending a week-long, in-person seminar. But this method is difficult to learn everything you need to pass the exam. Many people find these seminars inadequate because they teach too much information in too short of time.

SI Cert's approach allows you to take your time and truly learn the codes. This translates to better chances to pass the exam and become a successful CWI. We start you from the beginning by helping you understand everything from basic welding to metallurgic principles. These topics are covered in AWS' pre-seminar.

We also offer tips and tricks for navigating the most difficult questions you'll find on the exam. Our online coaching is also available to help you all along the way.

SI Certs Online CWI Course

SI Certs LogoClassroom SeminarOther Online Courses
Hours of Instruction80 Hours45 Hours40-60 Hours
Instructional QualityVisual Online Curriculum Information OverloadPPT or Video Based
Instructor AvailabilityChat Interface (6 Month Access)Very LimitedEmail
Access Time6 Months45 Hours3-4 Months
Company Management DashboardYesNoNo
Modern Web Design/Training PlatformYesN/ANo
SI Certs Logo
80 Hours
Classroom Seminar
45 Hours
Other Online Courses
40-60 Hours
SI Certs Logo
Visual Online Curriculum
Classroom Seminar
Information Overload
Other Online Courses
PPT or Video Based
SI Certs Logo
Chat Interface (6 Month Access)
Classroom Seminar
Very Limited
Other Online Courses
SI Certs Logo
6 Months
Classroom Seminar
45 Hours
Other Online Courses
3-4 Months
SI Certs Logo
Classroom Seminar
Other Online Courses
SI Certs Logo
Classroom Seminar
Other Online Courses
CWI Helmet

Part A - Welding Fundamentals

Master the CWI Fundamentals of Welding

30 hours of training | 3 months access

Show Details
CWI Helmet

Part B - Practical

Hands on Training with Plastic Weld Replicas and 10-pc Inspection Tools

25 hours of training | 3 months access

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CWI Helmet

Part C - The Code Review

An In-Depth Study and Teaching of AWS D1.1 OR API 1104

25 hours of training | 3 months access

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