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Definitely worth the money

SI Certs was definitely worth the money.

Passed everything on the first try

Woke up Christmas morning with an email from AWS congratulating me on my test with my test scores. I passed everything on the first try (Thanks to SI Certs). That really made my Christmas.


I passed my second time around using SI certs!

Very good

I did sicerts, it’s very good

Really great

I thought SI Certs training itself is really great.

SI certs helps!

I failed the exam too. SI certs helps!

They cover the content on the ICC exam

Sign up for SI certs class. They give you quizzes and cover the content on the ICC exam

Extremely helpful

SI Certs has been extremely helpful. I flew through part A sample exams in an hour with around a 95% score, and part C I can get through in about 2 hours with around a 90% score. So I'm fairly confident I will have no problem with those.

Better learning material

I would honestly just get SI certs. I wasn’t sure which one to get, so I got them both. I can confirm that SI certs has the better learning material.

SI certs was better than Atlas

I just took my test last week and got an 86% I ended up getting SI certs and Atlas. SI certs was better by a long run! I ended up not even using atlas anymore.

Passed my ICC welding exam

I just passed my ICC welding exam. The way I studied is buying the course from SI Certs which is also a registered instructor with ICC.

Good online class

Si certs has a good online class if you don’t want to/cant go in person

Replicates the pronto experience

"Where can I practice studying for the ICC exam?" Well a good start is visiting SI Certs. Not only does it replicate the pronto experience in its testing modules but it breaks down individual components of what the real deal test covers, the books you’ll need, and relevant ASTMs.

[Later in the post] ICC does not sponsor SI Certs but as far as finding a legitimate practice test goes, this is as good as it gets. Plus it has study guides for each concept with their own practice tests before a final practice evaluation covering all the concepts for let’s says codes on reinforced concrete. I think SI Certs is a great help with acquiring the coveted MSI or Master of Special Inspection.

Great course offers a great course for all ICC SI certifications.

Presents the information well

I took the Si training certs course. It is good presents the information well and in an organized fashion focusing on one exam at a time. I liked that they give you review quizzes most every time that you log back in. as well as quizzes at the end of each module so that you can see where you need to study more. as well as the timed mock exams to help simulate the actual exams.

I wouldn’t have got my CWI certification without SI Certs

I also used SI Certs, I used their full course(Part A, B, C). It was extremely helpful and I wouldn’t have got my CWI certification without it.

Similar to how the exam is structured

If u paid for the SI Cert for practice in passing, the second set of plans is really similar to how the exam is structured. If you can pass that practice test then you’re ready for the actual 47p plan reading portion.

Study materials

If you don't pass it (the CWI exam) the 1st time, I'd suggest using the study materials available from

If you are worried about part B, get the si certs stuff

The si certs stuff is really good as well. I was reading some of the other comments. If you are worried about part B, get the si certs stuff. You will get molds (AWS molds are better but si certs are ok) , inspection tools, the actual fake code AWS uses for the test, fake WPS,PORs,fake heat treating bits, and destructive testing bits as well. SI certs will have these modules in the different parts. You will have practice tests at the end of each module and a couple bigger tests.

Studied with them for part B of the CWI

Any advice on part B? Taking mine next month

[Answered by the user below] I studied with

Really good

SI Certs was really good and helped me.

He signed up for SI certs for part b training and passed

He (my husband) retook part A & B a second time and passed part A the second time but not part B… because he failed part B twice they required a certain number of retraining I believe 20 hours or less.. that’s when he signed up for SI certs for part b training and passed

Decent foundation

I suggest taking the SI Certs course for the ICC welding, it’ll provide a decent foundation before starting the CWI which is much more in depth.

Good amount of information

Ive been studying with the SI Certs 6 month CWI online course. I really like how the course is laid out and I feel like they give you a really good amount of information and teach you in a way that you can retain what you’re learning.

I did very well

I used SIcerts as my prep and did very well and passed all 3 parts on my first attempt.

Pretty good

SI certs was pretty good.

Got an 88 on my part a and a 93 on both part b and c splits up the test into three parts that you can buy as a bundle or individually. They also have plastic inspection coupons that aren’t of the same quality as the AWS exam ones but still decent enough to practice on. They take you step by step through the book of specs so that you’ll have it down pat going into the exam. I used there bundle to study for the exam and got an 88 on my part a and a 93 on both part b and c.

Life will become much easier

Become a welding inspector. People were telling me for years that that test was really hard and honestly it was a complete joke. All you have to do is be able to navigate the electrode charts and the tolerances in the camber/plumb/sweep. Buy the class from SIcerts and life will become much easier.

Enjoyed it

I enjoyed the SI certs online class

They are really good

I used the SI Certs soils and passed today , they are really good

Not disappointed

For me it was between Atlas CWI or SI Certs. I went with SI Certs, not disappointed

A lot of people at my company have taken SI Certs

I haven't taken the soil SI certs, but a lot of people at my company have taken other SI certs and seem to like them


If you are looking at self study instead of a seminar, the SI certs program is great. I bought it in january

Tons of practice tests

[This is comment on a post titled "How to study for AWS CWI without paying a ton of money."]

There's a podcast out there called "the welding codex" where 2 guys go through d1.1 clause by clause, great to listen to at work. I also paid for sicerts training, all online, they send you plastic replicas and have tons of practice tests.

Should be part of the ICC S2 curriculum

Si certs has a class should be part of the ICC S2 curriculum.

The legitimate only way to practice for Plans

SI certs is the legitimate only way to practice for Plans but they allow you to download the plans themselves and look at them without the mouse zoom deal.

Great training resource

Gary Larsen School of Inspection or SI Certs are also great training resources.

The prices are reasonable

I would recommend using SI Certs for training. Great people and the prices are reasonable.

Helped a lot for plans

SI Certs helped a lot for plans. They try and present everything as you would expect to see for the test.

It's a legit course

What was invaluable about it (the CWI course) was getting the plastic replicas for Part B, they were very high quality and gave me a lot of confidence going into the practical part of the exam. The other nice about the course was the practice tests, they were timed and were in random order and did a good job replicating the actual exams. All in all I'm glad I did it. It's a legit course and it was beneficial to have some structure to guide me through studying.

Pretty good success

I run my guys through the SI Certs courses with pretty good success.

It’s worth it 100%

I recently got my ICC in bolting and I’m going for my Welding right now. I’m using The courses are pretty pricey but it’s worth it 100%. Im sure the GR course is free so I’d check it out if I was you. Good luck!

Really informative

the SI Certs course is really informative


ICC Bolting is pretty easy, especially with SI Cert and if you have gone through VT training/class.

I recommend this program

You should try the aws course and seminar or you can do SIcerts online program which I recommend

We decided to move to

We had several technicians that need to complete several ICC course before taking the exam. After attempting to reach out to Gary over the course of 3-4 weeks we decided to move to

Well worth it to be honest

The one site I used was SIcerts. It’s a little expensive for the entire suite of courses ($2500 I think) but my company paid for it. Well worth it to be honest. Out of the 16 exams I took I only failed the welding code the first time but that was it.