The most economical training for employees
Educate field staff, manage training, reduce liability.
Company Benefits
Proven Test Prep
Since 2011, our courses have helped thousands of people pass the CWI, special inspection, and building inspection exams. See our user reviews. You will find our training actually works!
Code Mastery
Our courses teach your field staff code and engineering principles that reduce your liability from careless or rookie field errors.
Plan Reading With Digital Plans
We teach structural plan reading with high res, digital plans. We've built our system to simulate the PRONTO testing experience.
Practice Tests
Timed practice tests give our users exposure to the look and feel of the actual test.
90% Pass Rates
Our proven online training courses have 90% pass rates for users that follow the program and utilize our Intelligent Review System.
Corporate Training
Implementing our training, companies can virtually eliminate managing and upkeeping an in-house training program, and reduce field training time by more than 50%.
Employee Monitoring
With our Company Admin Dashboard, managers can view module progress and see first attempts on all quizzes and tests. You will know who is ready to test, and who needs more review.
Transferable Courses
Reassign courses if an employee leaves your company or isn't using the training.
Flexible Credit Usage
Credits never expire. Buy at discounted rates and use anytime in the future.
100% Pass Rate Guarantee
SI Certs guarantees to support you and your employees until they pass the exam. One-to-one coaching is available, along with extended course access, for a failed test attempt.
Intelligent Review
Based on Spaced Repetition learning science, all of our courses use an intelligent flashcard study system that tracks all missed questions, when they were missed, and when to re-engage them to the user throughout the course of study.
48-Hour Money Back Guarantee
Try our courses, you’ve got nothing to lose! If our training doesn’t meet your needs, notify us within 48 hours of purchase and we’ll gladly refund your money.
Companies who purchase a 5 Credit package or more can download and print all of our digital Training Plan Sets from their Admin dashboard. Digital plan set files are available to all users from within their assigned courses. Plans are intended to be viewed on screen.
ICC Special Inspection Courses
Our courses feature digital plans that prepare you for the test, 25-50 hours of instruction, practice tests that you can revisit any time, a flashcard review system, and access to online one-to-one coaching with an expert instructor. We are here to help you PASS the test.

SI Certs Training Packages

CWI Training
Replacing the traditional week-long class, our CWI training is fully online and includes video instruction, and practice assessments to prepare you for the test. The required weld replica molds and inspection tools are sold separately at checkout.
ICC Commercial Inspector Training

Stop gambling with time, money, and self-study inefficiencies.
See our user reviews. They keep coming in.

Too many questions waste time and fatigues study. Too few leaves you unprepared for the test.
- Targetted quiz questions cover necessary content.
- Scoring feedback shows comprehension, and where you need review.
- Timed code practice tests simulate the real test.
SI Certs teaches you the logical thought process behind reading blueprints.
Our Training Plan Sets build skills, provide tools, and prepare students for the complex tests plans. Our digital plans files are included with every course.
- Training Plan Sets feature instructional notes, tips, and auditory guidance.
- Master blueprint reading and time management with our simulated Plans Practice tests.
- Detailed answer keys teach you our thought process from page jump to page jump.

All of our questions are delivered through our Question Delivery System (QDS), an interface that mimics the real testing environment. No other study system rivals this total learning environment, maximizing your success.
- Timed computer environment teaching our Passing Strategy.
- Ability to mark, skip, and return to lagged questions, just like the test.
- On-screen question display, simulating the test feel and pace.