Part B of the CWI Exam - Online Training Course

Our training course for Part B of the CWI exam is all you need to pass.
This course includes personal tutoring with the CWI who created the course. Every page has a chat box so you can quickly type in your question without leaving the course. The CWI will answer within 48 hours. You don't have to worry about not understanding the material because he will answer all your questions.
Also, the training includes two practice tests that are similar to the real exam. These practice tests are timed so they will prepare you for the time pressure of the real exam.
The course requires the following mold replicas and tools. They are sold separately at checkout. When ordered, we'll ship them to you so you can get hands-on practice.

Our training is fully online. You don’t have to travel anywhere. You can take the course from your home or any place that has an internet connection.
Cramming is not effective for learning the material so we offer 90 days of course access. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare for the test.
The course consists of nine modules.
- Intro to Part B of the CWI Exam
- BOS: Requirements & Structural Steel
- BOS: Req’s for Pipeline & Pressure Piping
- BOS: Procedure Qualification
- BOS: Performance Qualification
- Understanding the Book of Documents
- Using the Weld Inspection Toolkit
- Inspecting Weld Replicas
- CWI Part B Test Taking Tips
Our training works because it has many quiz questions. After each of the first eight modules, you will take a quiz to make sure you understand and remember the material.
Research from education experts shows that taking quizzes on a regular basis is one of the best ways to learn. The quizzes in this course are very important for letting you know if you understood the material. If you did well on the quiz, you can move on to the next module. But if you missed a lot of questions, we recommend reviewing the module again.
In the last module, we'll give you our best test taking tips and then you can take the two practice tests as final preparation before taking the real exam.
25 Hours of Online Training
This 25-hour course has been approved by the American Welding Society (AWS) to grant PDHs or Professional Development Hours. When you complete the training, you will receive 25 PDHs and a course completion certificate.
With 25 hours of instruction, this course has all you need to pass Part B.
We also offer online CWI training for all three parts of the exam. You can buy each part separately, or purchase all three at a discounted price. Click here to learn more.
Scored a 93% on Part B
Your course was very helpful. I just got my score letter for my Part B retest and I got a 93%. Missing only 3 questions out of the 46.
Ricky T.
Phoenix, AZ
Awesome Program
I just wanted to thank you for the awesome program you put together for the AWS CWI Part B Exam. I passed the Part B after studying with your program.
Prior to this, I had used what AWS had given me to study for two tests with no improvement in scores. Thank you again for a great program and awesome customer service!
I honestly don’t think I would have passed without this program.
Preston H.
Salt Lake City, UT
I Appreciate It
I purchased CWI Part B. It really helped me with things I missed from other seminars that I had gone to. I failed the test previously but I took the test again in January and I received my stamp two days ago so I want to thank you guys.
You helped me fine tune and know how to look up procedures and specs so I was able to pass. I appreciate it. If I need anything else, I definitely will come back and get your service. Thank you.
Nick B.
Downey, CA
I Would Highly Recommend the SI Certs Prep Course
I took the CWI Exam without any experience in welding. I found that SI Certs adequately prepared me for all three parts by honing in on essential content. In particular, the welded joint molds and tool kit from SI Certs were critical for simulating part B of the actual exam.
I tried another popular online preparation course but found it to be far less helpful. The team is also quick to respond to questions and provide additional explanation when requested. I would highly recommend the SI Certs prep course over other courses for anyone looking to take the CWI Exam!
Mark S.
Everett, WA
Passed CWI on My First Attempt
I would like to inform you that I have cleared my CWI exam. I got the result two days ago. Thanks for your help, and thanks to Matt too.
I did all of the three parts, and this was my first attempt.
Rushabh S.
Philadelphia, PA